Sunday, January 27, 2013

نسرین ستوده انسانی که حتی دیوارهای ضخیم زندان و ظلم نتوانست ا و را از مادری کردن،پرورش و آموختن به ما و کودکانش بازدارد ‎


Free Nasrin Sotoudeh from Iranian Prison: Please help free Nasrin Sotoudeh.

It is important to all of us, humanity and the world…

We all might have our differences and ideas and political beliefs. But we are all human, we know when there is injustice and or crime committed against humanity.

We all agree that in order to overcome evil we must unite.

It is good to be different but it is not right and acceptable to die because you think differently.

That is what Islamic Regime of Iran does. It murders people because they are not in agreement with their actions.

MS. Sotoudeh stood up for many Iranians who NO One else would take their cases. Because associating yourself with dissident and or oppositions already puts your life in danger.

She did not only stood up for them but she defended them in an Islamic Court and as a women in a society where gender gap keeps widening.

Please share this with you friends. You will not do anything wrong. You will not commit an crime. You will not lose money or friends.

Please let us show the Iranian regime we the people from all around the world are together when we see injustice and cruelty.

Poster courtesy of Adam Evolution

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