Lotfi Zadeh, inventor of fuzzy logic, wins the BBVA Foundation Frontiers of Knowledge Award for enabling computers and machines to behave and decide like human beings - By equipping computers to tolerate real-world complexities and decide accordingly, fuzzy logic transforms them from mere calculating machines, and allows appliances and systems to operate autonomously - His 1965 paper on fuzzy sets is one of the most cited of the 20th century, and has given rise to over 50,000 patents just between Japan and the United States - Fuzzy logic is now an essential part of popular consumer technologies - like video cameras or washing machines - and other more sophisticated technologies used in medicine and the automobile and railway industries Read more: http://www.persianicons.org/?p=4760 | Persian Icons http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151228311526704&set=a.225257816703.131727.197043446703&type=1
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